securing a home with sales inventory

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Home Security Tips For Parents Of Teens

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Often, home security becomes more of a concern as your kids get older. This is because there are more people in and out of the house since your teens likely have their own schedules and a set of keys. This can lead to security issues when there are multiple people in charge of keeping everything locked up and safe. The following tips can help you better manage your home’s security:…

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Methods to Present an Authoritative Presence During an Emergency

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During an emergency, people rely on security personnel to take charge of the scene and ensure peoples’ safety. If you work as an officer for a security company, your training will prepare you for how to react in an emergency, whether it’s something minor such as a fire drill or something major such as an active shooter in the area you patrol. While your training is certainly important, the situation will also benefit from your ability to be authoritative.…

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5 Tips For A Safer Halloween

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Halloween is an exciting time, especially if you have children. They will want to dress up, go door-to-door and stay up watching scary movies while eating their candy. However, Halloween can also be dangerous for security reasons. This is because burglars use this night to take advantage of slip-ups that many homeowners make. Here are five tips you should consider for a safer Halloween: Have Alarm System Inspected: Having your home alarm inspected before Halloween arrives is a good idea.…

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